- Arthritis, Joint & Knee Pain
- Asthma and Allergies
- Blood Pressure
- Cholesterol
- Cirrhosis Liver Failure
- Constipation, Acidity and Gas
- Depression And Anxiety
- Diabetes
- Epilepsy
- Erectile Dysfunction And Impotency
- Fatty Liver
- Fibroids
- Heart Diseases
- Insomnia Sleeplessness
- Irregular Periods Ovarian Cysts and PCOS
- Kidney Stones ACV
- Male Infertility Low Sperm Count
- Memory Loss, Alzheimer’s, Amnesia
- Migraine and Headache
- Parkinson’s
- Piles
- Prostate Difficulty Passing Urine
- Sinus, Cough & Cold
- Sleepwalking
- Stomach Ulcer, Peptic Ulcer, Gastric Ulcer
- Swelling and Edema
- Tonsils & Sore Throat
- Uric Acid
- Weight Loss
- White Discharge
- Youth, Anti-Aging and Vitality
- The Cow is fed a diet of Jau, Kapas Seed, Coconut, Til, Makka (Corn), matar dal, Gehu Chapad, Jawar Kutti, Rachka & many other herbs.
- Whole Milk is boiled and is converted into Yoghurt (curd) overnight. In the morning, this yoghurt (curd) is turned into buttermilk which is churned to produce Butter (Makkhan). This butter is warmed in iron vessels to get this rare nutritious ghee. The leftover is just buttermilk and there is no milk left to be sold again.
- Desi Cow Milk Vs Jersey Cow Milk - A1 Milk vs A2 Milk
- The milk of Desi Cow or Gir Cow Milk contain A2 proteins that are best for your body while Jersey Cow Milk contains Compounds that leads to a “basket of diseases” (Read research and references below)
- To obtain 1 kg 100% Pure Cow Ghee – 40 Litres of Gir Cow Milk is required 1 litre of Milk comes at a cost of Rs 90
- 40 litres of Milk x 90 Rs each = Rs 3600 + Rs 100 Manufacturing Charges + Taxes + Delivery Charges – All of which explains the Desi cow ghee price.
- This rare satvik ghee facilitates normal delivery in women, it has anti-aging properties that decreases bad cholesterol and facilitates excellent circulation.
- Nowadays, every other person is going through joint pain issue or the painful knee surgery. Our bodies need lubrication inpurest form that commercial ghee cannot provide. Only Ghee made by this traditional method can provided lubrication in purest form.
- It contains healthy fat soluble vitamins that facilitate the absorption of nutrients in foods that are vital for health.
- This traditional method of preparing bilona ghee as mentioned in the shashtras, provides very deep nourishment to all of the dhatus (tissues) of the body and helps generate ojas, the most subtle material in the body.
- It is used in medicinal practice to help with ulcers, constipation and the promotion of healthy eyes and skin and can be used for the treatment of burns and blisters. It increases memory and balances the mind and enhances brain function.
- This ghee contains conjugated linolenic acid which is helpful in losing weight, especially belly fat, and has been known to slow the progress of cancer and heart disease.
- Gir Cow Ghee melts at 37°C and our body temperature is 37.2°C, which is why it gets totally absorbed in the body while commercial ghee melts at approx. 39°C or above which increases BP, diabetes, cholesterol and other diseases.
- Arthritis/Joint Pain – Mix 10 gm of Desi Cow Ghee in Warm Turmeric Milk and consume daily. Drink it in standing position.
- Sinus/Asthma/ Respiratory diseases - Warm up Desi Cow Ghee and pour 2 drops in each nostril with a dropper.
- Pregnant Women – Consume 15 gm twice a day (30 gm total daily), either in Warm milk or Khichdi for 9 months.
- Post Delivery –Consume 30 gm twice a day (60 gm total daily) for 6 months, either in homemade post-delivery diet, warm milk or khichdi.
Vedic Cow Ghee – Gir Cow Ghee
You must have heard that some 50 years ago in India, a single woman used to give birth to 4-8 children. Today, the health of women worldwide is so bad that they have to go through cesarean even for a single baby!
This is because traditionally women used to have VEDICGIR COW GHEE that provided their body the flexibility, strength and super stamina to do high activity work.
Commercial ghee makers use milk from buffaloes or hybrid/foreign breed cows. These foreign breeds like Jersey cows are a cross breed of a wild animal named Urus in Europe (Equivalent of pig in India). The most shocking fact is that even today the milk of these animals are not used directly for consumption in Europe because it increases cholesterol, diabetes, BP and many other life threatening diseases. It is even banned in some parts of Europe.
In modern process the milk of foreign breed cows is passed through cream separating machine. After passing 25 litres of milk in cream separating machine, 1 kg of cream and 24 litres of white liquid (which is sold to us again as milk) is obtained. So there is loss of only 1 litre of milk as 24 litres is sold back as milk. The cost of one litre milk is Rs 25. Cost of separating cream, heating and packing can be Rs 50. So this type of ghee costs utmost Rs 75 per kg and is sold in the market at Rs 400 per kg!
गीर गाय का बलोने का घी:
इस घी को वैदिक काल अनुसार बनाया जाता है।
इस घी को बनाने के लिए सिर्फ भारतीय नस्ल की गिर गाय के दूध का उपयोग होता है। इस घी का उपयोग रसोई के लिए और औशधि के रूप में उपयोग किया जाता है।
Price : INR 875 |
Quantity : 200 gm |
Price : INR 1700 |
Quantity : 400 gm |
Always Take VedicCow Ghee in anything warm like warm milk or Khichidi. Mix it very well. Do not drink or eat anything cold for the next 45 minutes.